
9 month old Chesapeake Bay Retriever


We got the following note from Jasmine’s owner recently. When you read it, you’ll see why Jasmine is the Dog of the Day (and Leslie, her owner is Parent of the Month for insisting on pursing this instead of just accepting what her vet said)


“Dear Lee, Thank you for your warning, during classes, about strange lumps and bumps on our dogs. As you can read below, your warning probably saved my dog’s life. My vet originally told me the lump was either folicular or a wart, as tumors are rare in a dog as young as Jasmine (9 months). We heeded your warning though and went ahead and had the lump removed despite the vet telling us it was only a cosmetic problem.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

Leslie (and Jasmine)

The email below is an email that Leslie sent to Jasmine’s breeder:

Subject: Jamine info

Hi Laurie ~

Just wanted to give you a Jasmine update/warning. She had developed a small wart-like bump just above her nose for which she underwent surgery to have removed last week. After biopsy, it turns out that it was a malignant tumor. The vet believes that all was removed, but advised us to keep a close watch out for more tumors.

Just want to give you a heads up in case any of her littermates’ owners contact you about strange bumps, so you may advise them to have lumps removed immediately.

Besides that all is well. Jasmine is a beautiful girl with a sweet, loving temperament. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog!

Best regards,